NEW WEBSITE, I've moved everything to a new site. Its not just a blog anymore, its a full blown website.

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Welcome To Max's Flash Tutorials!

Here I will eventually post everything I know about flash. That ALOT! I am currently working on one of the best and far most interactive games I've ever made. Its called, "The Burbz RPG" and it will release some time in the summer of 08. That takes up a lot of my time but after I release the game on to the internet I will have a lot more time to write up tutorials.


Saturday, January 12, 2008

Basic Button Tutorial

Here is as basic of a way to make a simple button that when you click it you will go to another frame or attach any other type of action you want to occure when you click the button.
We'll start off by creating the button...
You can draw your own or get an already created on...

Make Your Own Button:
  1. Hit "Ctrl + F8"
  2. Name your button
  3. Then in the space provided, draw your button
  4. Now click "Scene 1" at the top of the page
  5. Now Hit "Ctrl + L"
  6. That will bring up your library, Now find the button you just made and drag it onto the stage.
  7. Now skip down to the Action Script Section to make your button do something
Already Created One:
  1. Open Flash
  2. Click "Window"
  3. Scroll down to "Other Panels"
  4. Then click "Common Libraries"
  5. And then Click "Buttons"
  6. You will get a pop up with all kinds of pre-made buttons
  7. Now skip down to the Action Script Section to make the button do something

The Action Scripting:

Now to make your button do something... the following script will make your button goto another frame...

First, put this script on the frame:

  • stop();

That will make your movie stop at this frame and not keep playing on.

Now Put this script on the button:

  • on (release) {
  • gotoAndPlay(2);
  • }

That means that when you release your click on the button, it will goto and play the frame number you put in the "( )". Of coarse to make this script specific to what you want it to do you will need to change the number in the "( )".

You can also put other actions in between the "{ }" to change variables, or anything else you would like to happen when you release your click on the button.

You can also put a different action inbetween the "( )" that says release. You can put "rollOver" to make it so when you roll over the button it will do the specific actions you set.

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